Here’s What Collagen Supplements Do, According to the Experts

Here’s What Collagen Supplements Do, According to the Experts

When it comes to collagen, there are many questions that remain unanswered.

There is no denying that our skin is in need of repair. Wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles. While it makes sense to take measures to keep our skin looking young and attractive, it’s also important to make sure these efforts are done in a way that doesn’t cause further damage. Our skin is constantly subjected to the elements, stressors like UV rays and pollution, and other environmental factors that can harm its integrity. 


The idea is to market collagen as a miracle supplement to help with aging and skin inflammation — two things we all want to avoid at any cost. It works like this: Skin is made up of collagen, which is essentially a large protein that provides elasticity to our skin. Collagen breaks down as we age, leaving our skin saggy and wrinkled. The supplement industry has latched onto this idea and started selling collagen products as a way to keep your skin young and wrinkle-free.

There is some truth to the hype. Collagen, the most abundant protein found in the human body, is found in our skin and joints and helps strengthen them over time. Additionally, people who consume collagen frequently tend to have stronger bones and muscles, as well as better skin tone and elasticity.

Some collagen products are pure collagen, while some are mixed with fillers that don’t contain as much collagen as their name suggests. In fact, many of those supplements that promise to deliver the goods without actually providing the support might end up doing more harm than good. That’s why it’s important to choose a high-quality supplement, and make sure it contains a full supply of both hyaluronic acid and collagen.

Natural collagen

But what if you don’t want to take a supplement? How do you get enough of the stuff in your diet? Well, there are plenty of different foods that can help provide your body with enough collagen to keep things healthy in the long run. The best sources include red meats, primarily pork, but also beef and chicken; fish, especially salmon; eggs; dairy products like milk and yogurt; and vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

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