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Watch NASA’s UFO Event Live Today; Here’s When

During a one-of-a-kind live event that will take place today (September 14), the independent UFO research team working for NASA will present their findings. The representatives from NASA, including the agency’s administrator, Bill Nelson, will join David Spergel, president of…
About 90 % Breakups Happen Because of These Reasons

People grow apart, and relationships end all the time. But there could be several reasons out there why breakups happen. Thanks to psychologists and relationship experts, we might get a taste of why sometimes things don’t go the way we…
Moon Discovery: NASA Came Across a New Moon Crater!

Under the Artemis program, NASA will make a new trip to the Moon with the purpose of establishing a permanent presence there. The reason? Apparently, there are some ice deposits that might be mined to support human dwellings or come…
When is the Next Supermoon and Blue Moon?

Are you curious about when another supermoon will appear in the night sky to bless us with its presence? What about once in a deep blue moon? NASA has determined that the following full Moon will be a supermoon, a…