Cancer is the illness of the century. We’ve all heard about so many possible natural treatments for cancer but none of them has proven to be 100% effective so far. In fact, the bigger problem is represented by the rumors, myths and the “results” of different fake studies which claim that Sodium Bicarbonate, for example, is the cure for the disease or that cancer is a fungus. Of course it would be so much better if we had alternatives regarding this issue. Anyone would rather take a medicine instead of being subject to radiation or chemo.
Recently, there has been another debate regarding a new alternative to mammography. It appears that its initiator is Dr Nyjon Eccles, also nicknamed “the natural doctor”. The new method is called Thermography and it is said that it is painless, it will only take 15 minutes and there isn’t any kind of radiation involved. So far it really does sound great, right? But what do the doctors and the scientists think about it?
Dr Nyjon Eccles says that thermography is more effective than mammography as it can identify some changes which may occur in the tissue. In other words, it could detect early cancer. The fact that he was referring particularly to breast cancer should also be mentioned.
When it comes to this issue, Eluned Hughes, from Breast Cancer Now, is skeptical. He stated that there isn’t just enough evidence that says thermography is better than mammography. Even The American Society of Breast Imaging or Royal College of Radiology do not want to get involved in this problem. However, studies have shown that it can be useful when identifying an existing cancer. It is, indeed, a new and innovative concept in the medicinal world but it appears that some doctors need a little more proof and time to give it some credibility.