Dealing With Brown Discharge Just Before Your Period? This Might Be the Cause

Dealing With Brown Discharge Just Before Your Period? This Might Be the Cause

Brown discharge is something to be concerned about if you are not pregnant or if you are anticipating your period, but in most cases, there is no need to be concerned. Sometimes it’s just your body going through different phases or attempting to find a balance in your system that’s causing these symptoms. However, if you are concerned about the brown discharge coming from your body, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible. That way, you’ll get the best support!

We’ve compiled a smart mini-guide on everything you need to know about brown discharge and the way your body adapts. Read more below.

What is actually the brown discharge?

When blood from your uterus takes a longer amount of time to find its way out of the vagina, you may notice a brown discharge. Blood has a tendency to become brown as it gets older. Therefore, finding brown discharge in your underwear at different times throughout your period is not at all unusual and should not alarm you. The brown discharge, on the other hand, might have a variety of different appearances from time to time. Consequently, this is the reason why you could be concerned. It is important to keep in mind; however, that dark discharge is frequently a natural aspect of the menstrual cycle.

There is a light brown discharge that occurs when blood combines with other release fluids, and then there is a dark brown discharge that is likely just old blood coming out by itself (typically after your period has ended). Both types of discharge are normal.

What may be the reason for the brown discharge?

The following are some potential reasons for the brown discharge:

1) Your period may stimulate some old blood that is just wanting to make its exit; this often occurs a few days after menstruation.

2) Vaginal dryness can result in discharge, which is typically yellow in color but may appear brown if the vaginal tissues get inflamed enough to bleed. This can cause the vaginal tissues to bleed.

3) A recent pelvic exam, such as a Pap smear, has the potential to cause some brown discharge or spotting; it is normal for the cervix, which is a delicate organ, to bleed a little following a pelvic exam; nevertheless, you shouldn’t let this bother you.

4) If you are also suffering mood swings, heat flashes, and sleeplessness, it is possible that perimenopause is to blame for all of these symptoms.

5) If you have a powerful sexual encounter, you may see some brown, blood-tinged discharge afterward.

6) Bacterial vaginosis, also known as BV, is when the normal balance of bacteria that is found in the vagina is thrown off, which can result in alterations to the discharge that you have.

7) Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted illness (STI) that can irritate the skin and can lead to bleeding that has a brownish appearance; immediately seek the advice and treatment of a qualified medical professional.

8) An ovarian cyst may produce a brown discharge in addition to stomach discomfort or tension, an aching sensation in the lower back and thighs, pain during sex as well as pain during your period, and pain in the lower back and thighs.

The majority of the time, brown discharge is nothing to be concerned about; it is simply regular bleeding that has taken a little bit longer than usual to depart the body. Consult a medical professional if you experience any additional symptoms, such as itching, smells, or discomfort in the pelvic region. It’s possible that these are indications of an infection or something more serious that needs care.

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