New Study Reveals Link Between COVID And Brain Damage

 Inflammatory cells outside the brain may penetrate brain tissue and propagate inflammation in persons with severe COVID. Blood vessel alterations might occur. Modifications in brain cells may even resemble those found in persons with Alzheimer’s disease. Recent research has looked…
Best Vitamins To Boost Your Brainpower

Brain health is a popular topic these days, as more and more studies point to the importance of brain health in overall well-being. Let’s take a look at some vitamins that can support your brain, or prevent brain-related issues. Vitamin…
7 Tasty Ways to Supercharge Your Brain

Good nutrition is critical for overall health, and brain health is no exception. Eating certain foods can help your mental capacity as you age and protect your brain from disease. Research suggests that your diet can help shape your brain’s…
Tackle Brain Damage With Physical Exercise

As disturbing as it may sound, the brain starts to shrink when we reach our forties. The 4% rate per decade accelerates when we reach our seventies. It’s the natural course of nature, but we can negotiate with it, a…
Robotic Worms Could Destroy the Brain Tumors

Recently, Chinese researchers realized an intriguing project. They developed Robotic worms that can run through blood vessels to patients’ brains. The devices would directly eliminate the tumors, avoiding the severe side effects of traditional treatments. Brain tumors have been dubbed…