Amazing News For The Search Of ET Life Emerges – It Involves Jupiter’s Moon, Europa

Amazing News For The Search Of ET Life Emerges – It Involves Jupiter’s Moon, Europa

It’s been just revealed that Jupiter’s icy moon, Europa, has experienced enough heat in order to produce a layered interior and subsurface ocean, according to the latest reports coming from experts. 

The finding could turn out helpful for researchers to learn about ET life.

Mohit Melwani Daswani, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, led a team that analyzed the data that’s been gathered by the Galileo mission.

The reason for Europa’s ocean revealed that Daswani’s team found that a layer-creating phenomenon called differentiation could be the cause for which Europa has its ocean.

Daswani announced his findings just the other day, during a presentation at the virtual Goldschmidt conference – this is an annual conference on geochemistry and related fields. It’s been also reported by the same website that the work has yet to be peer-reviewed. 

Just to refresh your memory, Europa has some features that are suspected to be necessary for a habitable world, according to what the expert said during an interview with

These new findings could have massive implications for the study of habitability on other worlds, even the worlds that are beyond the realm of the sun. 

New steps towards determining if Europa is habitable 

Also, the team has high hopes that future missions such as NASA’s Europa Clipper that are scheduled to launch sometime during this decade will be helping determine if the icy moon is truly habitable, and this will be something massive in the scientific world. 

We recommend that you check out the complete details in Space’s original article

In other space-related news, there’s an exciting project that has recently been revealed. 

“Spaceship Neptune,” will be operated by a company called Space Perspective from leased facilities at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center – from an altitude of 100k feet in a balloon-borne pressurized cabin, people will get the chance to collect data or simply enjoy the view from space. 

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