Tucker Carlson In Russia: Alex Jones Hopes He Gets The Putin Interview

Tucker Carlson In Russia: Alex Jones Hopes He Gets The Putin Interview

It has been reported that Tucker Carlson seems to be in Russia these days. Alex Jones commented on the matter, saying that he hopes Carlson gets the interview with Putin – something that he’s been planning to do for a really long time now. Check out the latest reports about this below.

Alex Jones on Tucker Carlson

Here’s the post that he shared on Twitter:

Someone commented: “Tucker Carlson is getting all the interviews that the MSM is too afraid and too inept to get themselves. This is why the MSM is constantly losing viewership and having to fire more and more employees. Independent journalism is thriving and corporate media is dyįng. Good times!”

Another follower said: “Tucker should ask Putin about the evidence recovered from the US biolabs in Ukraine. Also, tackle the Biden family involvement in the US biolabs in Ukraine,” to which Jones responded: “That’s on the list.”

People are also saying that while Carlson is in Russia, he could interview Edward Snowden as well:

Tucker Carlson recently had an interview with the famous Russell Brand, and he shared the video on Twitter. You should definitely check out this masterpiece.

Tucker Carlson and Russell Brand interview breaks the Internet

Tucker Carlson posted the following: “Governments colluded to shut down and destroy Russell Brand. This is his first interview since that happened. Watch it when you get a minute. It’s one of the most brilliant explanations of the modern world you’ll ever hear.”

Stay tuned for more news from the political space.

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