“Right-To-Try” Law Signed By Donald Trump For Patients To Access Experimental Treatments

“Right-To-Try” Law Signed By Donald Trump For Patients To Access Experimental Treatments

The US President Donald Trump has recently signed the controversial “Right-To-Try” law that permits dying patients to access experimental treatments or medicines.

“It’s a very important day for me because we’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time. (….) I wanted a law for and by the sick, not in favor of the insurance and pharmaceutical companies, which I don’t care about,” said the US President Donald Trump just before approving the legislation.

“We will save thousands and thousands of lives,” said the president, who accused the current regulations of prolonging the procedure of allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental medicines.

The “Right-to-Try” law cuts off some of the FDA’s obligations and already sparked negative opinions

Since yesterday, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will no longer have control over the experimental treatments, while the companies involved in developing such treatments have the obligation to inform the FDA about the treatments schedules.

Furthermore, the new “Right-To-Try” legislation permits dying patients to access experimental medicines but only the producing companies themselves will decide whether will allow access to experimental treatments or not.

The measure has already ignited many controversies among some groups of people who have said that the new regulation will significantly improve patients’ access to experimental medicines and treatments but, on the other hand, might have a negative impact on the FDA.

“We do not believe that this law will safely and genuinely increase access to research therapies outside of clinical trials. Unfortunately, it is particularly worrying,” told Christina Jensen from the NORD (National Organization for Rare Diseases).

Even though “Right-To-Try” law has now become a federal law as the US president Donald Trump signed it, 40 of the US states have already adopted similar regulations in the past few years, having the same objective of easing up the patients’ access to experimental treatments.

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