Japan Will Release Fukushima Wastewater Straight Into the Ocean

Japan Will Release Fukushima Wastewater Straight Into the Ocean

In what seems to be a horror scenario, Japan will start this coming Thursday, August 24, the process of discharging wastewater straight from the wrecked Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear plant into the oceans. And as a matter of fact, that’ll become a habit as the officials will actually do that every day; approximately one hundred thousand liters of contaminated water is collected at the location in northeast Japan. This comes from rainfall making its way into the damaged plant as well as the process of cooling down the reactors. Could this be stopped?

After a great deal of thought, Japan made the decision in 2021 that it would employ a conduit that was one kilometer long to discharge into the ocean no more than approximately 500,000 liters per day. And now it’s really happening.

What are your thoughts regarding Japan’s action?

China is not on board with Japan’s intentions because it is afraid that the effluent from Japan’s land would convert the Pacific Ocean into a “sewer.” In spite of the fact that Beijing has mandated extensive radiation testing for food coming from the other prefectures as well as the rest of Japan, imports from ten particular prefectures have been prohibited.

(Releasing) this into the sea will impact the whole planet. Japan would intentionally be spreading radioactive elements, stated Yukio Kanno, a Fukushima resident, at a recent Greenpeace-organised protest.

Greenpeace is definitely holding a contrary viewpoint and asserts that the water-filtration system that is now in use by Japan is actually not enough, being flawed. The group also maintains the view that radioactive materials will be purposefully dispersed by Japan. That means soon, the environment could face the worst-case scenario.

What does Japan say?

Over the course of the past few months, the ones in charge of the wastewater project have devoted their time toward the goal of converting skeptics on both the domestic and foreign fronts. These activities have shown themselves in a variety of ways, such as live-streaming videos of fish living in the wastewater and even educational tours of the Fukushima plant. According to the company that operates the plant, TEPCO, an innovative filtration technology known as ALPS is going to be able to successfully remove all radioactive material (cesium and strontium) with one exception of tritium.

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