Holidays During The Pandemic: How To Stay Safe During Celebrations According To The CDC

Holidays During The Pandemic: How To Stay Safe During Celebrations According To The CDC

The holiday season is a great time to bring friends and family together, but at this time of year, gatherings tend to get a little bigger. Since the holidays are such a busy time of year, many people take part in group gatherings and end up sharing more than just memories and laughs—they catch colds and other respiratory illnesses, including Coronavirus.

In order to stay safe this holiday season, the CDC recommends avoiding large gatherings, keeping social distance, and practicing social and physical distancing, including limiting visitors to 10 or fewer, and, where feasible, hosting home gatherings and social distancing.

Staying home is especially important for pregnant women, the elderly, and people with underlying health conditions. People in these groups should limit their travel to essential travel only and should not attend large gatherings.

Virtual gatherings, such as virtual shopping sessions, online baking contests, or video chats, are an option for groups who want to stay in touch with each other during the season. People can also host “virtual potlucks,” where friends gather online to share favorite recipes.

The CDC is urging people not to attend large gatherings at home or in restaurants, even though social distancing measures are still in place. The agency is also encouraging people to participate in virtual gatherings, such as parties, events, or games, which won’t require people to gather in the same place. It’s also a great way to engage people who may not otherwise be able to attend in-person events. Virtual events have potential to bring people together in a way that’s safe and positive.

Although Covid-19 and the highly infectious delta virus continue to pose a significant public health threat, the holidays are here. Many people still want to celebrate safely. Whether they are hosting or attending a party, hopefully, some of these tips will make the holiday gatherings healthy and happy.

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