General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements Finally Admits CBDC Will Grant Central Bankers Absolute Control Over People

General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements Finally Admits CBDC Will Grant Central Bankers Absolute Control Over People

It has been just revealed the fact that Agustin Carstens, the general of the BIS, which, in case you don’t know, is the central bank of central banks, admitted that CBDCs will grant central bankers absolute control. Check out the latest terrifying reports about this below.

CBDC, the tool of control

Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements—the central bank of central banks—admits that CBDC will grant central bankers “absolute control” over how it can be used and the technology to be able to centrally enforce that.

Not too long ago, we revealed that12 of the most important banks in the US have notified their customers that they are ceasing to require their services – this is effective midnight on Thursday, December 14th. Check out the latest reports about this below.

Shocking news in the banking sector

Check out the following post shared on the social media platform X:

The post on Twitter continued and said the following:

“The mainstream media (MSM) won’t release this information, making private channels the sole source. Every employee in financial institutions is bound by non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). While some remain tight-lipped, others are so enthusiastic about the positive developments that they can’t resist sharing the information with friends or family. I make an effort to verify the information I publish with at least one additional source. The decision to believe it or not, or to conduct your own investigation, is yours.”

Someone else said this: “Banks are shutting down branches in rural areas in the UK. Not profitable. Not so many people use banking services or cash at a branch. A lot more on line. This helps wean people off cash and sets trend for the upcoming CBDC era.”

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