Elon Musk Explains What WEF’s “Misinformation” Means

Elon Musk Explains What WEF’s “Misinformation” Means

Elon Musk is explaining to his X followers what the term “misinformation” used by the WEF actually means. Check out the latest reports about this below.

WEF’s “misinformation” explained by Musk on X

Here’s the tweet that Musk shared, along with several people’s opinions:

Someone said: “Alex Jones and Yourself are the real freedom warriors. Thanks for all the work you put in to make this world a better place.”

Another follower posted this message in the comments: “That has always been the program. The dual meaning of works fool many. The question we should be asking is. What do you mean by “Misinformation”? Make them talk, and their real agenda will be reveal. The devil has been a liar from the beginning.”

Back in December, we revealed the fact that the WEF’s young global leader and former PM of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, has declared free speech a weapon of war.

Check out the following tweet and video below:

Someone commented the following: “You mean she doesn’t like truth being exposed. There’s some Head Hunters waiting for her in NZ, now that vaccine deaths numbers have been exposed. Trust us, we are the truth she said. Well that didn’t work out well.”

Another follower said: “Data obtained by Barry Young, the whistle-blower who was arrested by New Zealand police for revealing alarming death statistics for the COIVD-19 vaccine, shows that in New Zealand, the top ten batches with the highest mortality rates after vaccination with Pfizer’s mRNA COIVD-19 vaccine had mortality rates of up to 21.38% !”

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