Researchers Behind Alzheimer’s Vaccine Recruited the First Human Patient

Researchers Behind Alzheimer’s Vaccine Recruited the First Human Patient

The Swedish biopharma company Alzinova AB developed a vaccine that can treat patients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. The vaccine has been studied on animals, and it will now enter Phase 1b clinical study. The vaccine is named ALZ-101, and the first human clinical trial (FIH) will include patients with early Alzheimer’s disease.

The company announced last month on its official website how the vaccine works and how the new study will be conducted.The first patient for the human trial has been recluted.

The human trial will be conducted in the Clinical Research Services Turku (CRST), a Finish clinic with experience in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzinova will also collaborate with the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg for the analysis of biomarkers.

Over 5.8 million people over 65 are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S

According to Mayo Clinic, over 5.8 people in the U.S aged 65 or older suffer from this condition, and the estimates indicate that from the 50 million people worldwide, at least 60% of them have Alzheimer’s disease.
The existing treatments can only improve the patient’s life quality and show down the progression of the disease. However, there is no permanent fix. Therefore, this vaccine could improve the lives of many people if it proves efficient and safe for humans.

The CEO of Alzinova AB, Kristina Torfgård, declared:

It is very satisfying that ALZ-101 has now entered clinical testing in an area with such a huge unmet medical need. We are looking forward to continuing the development of this potential disease-modifying treatment with the long-term goal to treat and prevent the onset and progression of this devastating disease,

More about the ALZ-101 vaccine

The ALZ-101 vaccine targets the neurotoxic amyloid-beta oligomers. The company plans to recruit 25 more people for the study, and some will receive four doses of the vaccine, while others will receive a placebo. Researchers want to determine how many doses are necessary, and data about this should be ready in 2023.


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