As you probably know by now, the very first Covid-19 case came from Wuhan. The Guardian notes for its readers that the case was a market vendor in the Chinese city of Wuhan, and “not an accountant who appeared to have no link to the market but whose case contributed to speculation the virus could have leaked from a lab, according to a US study.”
Origins of the novel coronavirus
The virus’s origin that causes Covid-19 is currently still a mystery and a significant source of tension between China and the United States.
The exact online publication mentioned above notes that a joint study by China and the World Health Organization this year all but ruled out the theory that Covid-19 originated in a laboratory. They said that the most likely hypothesis was that it infected humans naturally.
According to the latest reports, a WHO-led team of experts spent four weeks in and around Wuhan with Chinese scientists and said in a joint report in March that the novel coronavirus had probably been transmitted from bats to humans through another animal but that further research was required in order to have all the data.

“The accountant was widely thought to be the first person with Covid-19, reported that his first symptoms appeared on 16 December, several days later than initially known, Michael Worobey, head of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona, said in the study published in the journal Science on Thursday.”
To deride and dismiss the accounts of these individuals as hearsay is beyond disrespectful.
It begs the question, why?
— Michael Worobey (@MichaelWorobey) November 19, 2021
The Guardian also notes that the confusion was caused by a dental problem man had on 8 December, the study said.
“His symptom onset came after multiple cases in workers at Huanan Market, making a female seafood vendor there the earliest known case, with illness onset 11 December.”
Head over to the original article in order to learn more details about all this.