Korean Studies Reveal A “Tsunami Of Health Issues” Post Covid Vaccine

Korean Studies Reveal A “Tsunami Of Health Issues” Post Covid Vaccine

It seems that more and more countries are getting the necessary courage to come out and speak about the COVID vaccines and their effect on the population. Check out more details about what some Korean studies have managed to show.

Korean studies reveal a tsunami of health issues

The Korean National Health Insurance Service gathers health data for the entire population, including vaccination status.

This allows researchers to compare the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. However, our government is refusing to release this comparative data to independent researchers and the public. Experts have been requesting that they make this information available for scrutiny.

Researchers in Korea have conducted a study on the impact of COVID-19 vaccination on individuals with blood disorders. The study is titled “Hematologic Abnormalities after COVID-19 Vaccination: A Large Korean Population-Based Cohort Study”.

The study focused on diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs. The researchers randomly selected half of the population of Seoul, which is around 4.2 million people aged 20 and above, and identified individuals who had received treatment for a range of blood disorders.

They excluded people who had a history of blood disorders prior to the study period. The study compared the rate of development of blood disorders among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals over a three-month period.

“This study demonstrated the haematologic adverse events associated with COVID-19 vaccination using real-world data. The cumulative incidence rate of nutritional anaemia, aplastic anaemia, and coagulation defects significantly and constantly increased for 3 months after the COVID-19 vaccination compared to the non-vaccinated group.”

Aplastic anaemia is a serious and rare blood condition that occurs when the bone marrow fails to produce enough new blood cells to maintain normal body functions. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for this condition at the moment.

Nutritional anaemia is a type of anaemia that results from nutritional deficiencies or disorders. Some examples of nutritional anaemia include pernicious anaemia and iron deficiency anaemia.

Coagulation disorders refer to conditions that affect the blood’s ability to clot normally. Haemophilia, Von Willebrand disease, clotting factor deficiencies, hypercoagulable states, and deep venous thrombosis are all types of coagulation disorders.

A recent study conducted in Korea, titled “The Spectrum of Non-Fatal Immune-Related Adverse Events following COVID-19 Vaccination: The Population-Based Cohort Study in Seoul, South Korea,” analyzed official health data for Seoul residents from 2020 to 2021.

The study examined the cumulative incidence rates of non-fatal health outcomes among 1,748,136 vaccinated individuals and compared this to a non-vaccinated group of 289,579 individuals.

The original article noted the following:

“The study compared these cumulative incidence rates of non-fatal conditions in the following areas:

Gynecological ( including endometriosis, and menstrual disorders [polymenorrhagia, menorrhagia, abnormal cycle length, oligomenorrhea, and amenorrhea]),

Haematological (including bruises confined to non-tender and yellow-coloured especially on extremities),

Dermatological (including herpes zoster, alopecia, and warts),

Ophthalmological (including visual impairment, and glaucoma),

Otological (including tinnitus, inner ear, middle ear, and outer ear disease),

Dental problems (including periodontal disease)

Subjects with a history of these illnesses were excluded from the analysis.”

We strongly suggest that you check out the complete article in order to learn more details.

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