New research revealed that daily marijuana users were nearly one-third more likely to develop coronary artery disease (CAD) than non users.
This study is one of the largest and most thorough ones yet to look at the possible long-term cardiovascular effects of cannabis use.
The most prevalent kind of heart disease, CAD, develops when the arteries supplying blood to the heart constrict as a result of cholesterol buildup.
A heart attack can result from CAD, which frequently also causes tiredness, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort.
Some studies have suggested that smoking marijuana may increase the risk of suffering heart attacks and other cardiac events, particularly in younger people.
Other studies have found conflicting results about the connection between cannabis and heart disease.
The study’s lead author, Ishan Paranjpe, stated that “We found that the use of cannabis is linked to CAD, and there seems to be a dose response relationship in that more regular cannabis use is associated with a higher risk of CAD. In terms of public health messaging, it shows that there are certain harms of cannabis use that were not recognized before, and people should take that into account.”
The findings showed that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to develop CAD than nonusers after adjusting the results for age, sex, and significant cardiovascular risk factors.
Based on these results, researchers concluded that it is crucial for patients to be aware that cannabis usage carries some risk and to tell their doctor if they do so that medical professionals may take the necessary measures when monitoring their cardiovascular health.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the compound that gives cannabis its euphoric properties, is thought to operate on receptors in the heart, blood vessels, central nervous system, and gastrointestinal tract. Cannabis may induce inflammation and the accumulation of plaque.
The results may provide new potential for therapies to prevent or even treat heart disease by advancing our understanding of the molecular mechanisms connected to marijuana use and heart disease.
Paranjpe mentioned that “From a scientific point of view, these findings are exciting since they suggest there may be new drug targets and mechanisms that we can explore to take control of this pathway going forward.”
The datasets utilized in this investigation did not distinguish between other ways that marijuana may be ingested, such as whether it was smoked, eaten, or absorbed in any other way.
Researchers stated it may be useful to explore the health effects of these various cannabis consumption methods in future studies because THC enters the body via another pathway when cannabis is smoked rather than eaten and reaches the brain more quickly.
Despite the fact that federal law still forbids the use or possession of marijuana, more than half of the states in the US have decriminalized or legalized marijuana usage for recreational reasons, and 75% of them permit its medicinal use.
According to research from that year, around 18% of adults in the United States consumed marijuana.